Monthly Archives: April 2022

Spiced Red Cabbage Canning Recipe

Pearl luna cap canning jars with canned spicy red cabbage recipe

A ver­sa­tile spiced red cab­bage can­ning recipe equal­ly at home served cold, packed into a falafel wrap, or warm with a roast din­ner. And it’s so easy to make! This is a time-hon­ored recipe adapt­ed from the ubiq­ui­tous Ball Com­plete Book of Home Pre­serv­ing. Quan­ti­ties and mea­sure­ments have been reworked to bet­ter suit the UK based…

Spicy Pickled Shallots Recipe with Cider Vinegar

spicy pickled shallots recipe with cider vinegar pearl mariposa jars

This won­der­ful­ly sharp and spicy pick­led shal­lots recipe is a lit­tle more exot­ic than tra­di­tion­al British pick­led onions and oh so good… These pick­led shal­lots are by far my favourite pick­led any­thing. They are made with a lit­tle less sug­ar than most pick­led onion or shal­lots and so are a good deal sharp­er. The spice mix,…