Category Archives: Recipes for Vinegar Pickles

Spicy Pickled Shallots Recipe with Cider Vinegar

spicy pickled shallots recipe with cider vinegar pearl mariposa jars

This won­der­ful­ly sharp and spicy pick­led shal­lots recipe is a lit­tle more exot­ic than tra­di­tion­al British pick­led onions and oh so good… These pick­led shal­lots are by far my favourite pick­led any­thing. They are made with a lit­tle less sug­ar than most pick­led onion or shal­lots and so are a good deal sharp­er. The spice mix,…

A Traditional British Pickled Onion Recipe

traditional british pickled onion recipe

This British pick­led onion recipe is as tra­di­tion­al as it gets. Mild­ly spiced with corian­der seed, mus­tard seed, black pep­per and bay leaves. It’s the taste of long hot British sum­mers and lunch­es in pub beer gar­dens… The recipe is pret­ty easy to pre­pare, the great­est dif­fi­cul­ties lie with peel­ing the onions but there are…