Category Archives: Recipes for Waterbath Canning

Apple Pie and Crumble Filling Canning Recipe

Apple pie filling recipe for canning

Autumn has arrived, and as the tem­per­a­ture starts to fall I begin to day­dream about hot pud­dings. In this sea­son of plen­ty our apple trees are weighed down with deli­cious ripe fruit. By fol­low­ing our sim­ple can­ning recipe you can trans­form this won­der­ful abun­dance into an easy to use canned apple pie fill­ing. With jars…

Sweet & Sour Gherkins Recipe for Canning

Sweet and sour gherkin recipe, canning with Pearl Luna Cap jars

Although being extreme­ly pop­u­lar in the UK we don’t real­ly have a tra­di­tion of mak­ing pick­led gherkins at home. Con­verse­ly across coun­tries like Ger­many and Poland, small cucum­bers for home pre­serv­ing can be found in the shops through­out the sum­mer. In years gone by the only option here in the UK was to grow them…

Spiced Red Cabbage Canning Recipe

Pearl luna cap canning jars with canned spicy red cabbage recipe

A ver­sa­tile spiced red cab­bage can­ning recipe equal­ly at home served cold, packed into a falafel wrap, or warm with a roast din­ner. And it’s so easy to make! This is a time-hon­ored recipe adapt­ed from the ubiq­ui­tous Ball Com­plete Book of Home Pre­serv­ing. Quan­ti­ties and mea­sure­ments have been reworked to bet­ter suit the UK based…

Making Elderflower Cordial and Preserving it Through Pasteurisation

Home made elederflower cordial recipe served with ice

The fresh and zesty flavour of elder­flower cor­dial is one of the great joys of spring­time. The sad­ness comes when it is all fin­ished. For­tu­nate­ly by pre­serv­ing elder­flower cor­dial through pas­teuri­sa­tion it is pos­si­ble to hold on to this lit­tle slice of spring through the depths of win­ter… For­ag­ing for Elder­flow­ers By the end of…